The Perpetual Three-Dot Column
The Perpetual Three-Dot Column
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by Jesse Walker

Friday, January 18, 2013
NEXT YEAR IN BLOGUSALEM: I've posted my top 10 movies of
2002, 1992, 1982, 1972, 1962, 1952, 1942, and 1932. And that's where this year's series is going to stop. Come back in December, when we'll start over again with the best pictures of 2003.

For the record, my favorite film of 1922 is Nosferatu, my favorite film of 1912 is The Cameraman's Revenge, my favorite film of 1902 is Le Voyage Dans La Lune, and my favorite film of 1892 is Pauvre Pierrot. I should probably note that, as far as I can recall, I've seen only two movies made in 1892, so I don't exactly have a big batch to choose from. But Pauvre Pierrot is a landmark, and it's genuinely good too. I like it better than some of the pictures on the Sight & Sound list.

I feel bad that I can't take this all the way back to 1882. Surely someone somewhere made a brilliant praxinoscope strip that year that pushed the boundaries of the art, a zoopraxiscope disc that transcended the medium, a flipbook that can move you to tears. Prehistoric cinema: the next frontier of online criticism.

posted by Jesse 9:21 AM
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